The National Maritime Single Window (NMSW) is an established and operated technical platform for receiving, exchanging and forwarding electronically information to fulfil reporting obligations regarding ships that arrive at or depart from Greek ports. The NMSW is linked to other information systems, such as the SafeSeaNet maritime information exchange system, and is the place where information is reported once by declarants and then made available electronically to the various national authorities and Member States.
The legislative framework of the NMSW is set by the Regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 establishing a European Maritime Single Window environment and repealing Directive 2010/65/EU, on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports of the Member States. The above Directive was transposed to the Greek legislation with the p.d. 125/2010.
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and insular Policy/Hellenic Coast Guard Headquarters/Safety of Navigation Directorate is defined as the competent authority for the development, implementation and operation of the Greek NMSW.
Users/declarants have to submit the following notifications on a case by case basis:
- 72h pre arrival notifications
- 24h pre arrival notifications
- Actual time of arrival notifications
- Arrival/Depart DPG notifications
- Waste notifications
- Waste receipt
- Security notifications
- Crew and Passenger notifications (PAX)
- Border notifications
- Maritime Declaration of Health notifications
- General Declaration (FAL form 1)
- Cargo Declaration (FAL form 2)
- Ship's Stores Declaration (FAL form 3)
- Crew's Effects Declaration (FAL form 4)
- Crew List (FAL form 5)
- Passenger List (FAL form 6)
- Dangerous Goods (FAL form 7)
For further information, users/declarants may communicate with:
- the National Competent Authority 24/7 (unit of the Safety of Navigation Directorate) on a 24hour basis at the telephone numbers: +30 213 137 1625 and +30 213 137 4968
- the Safety of Navigation Directorate during working days and hours at the telephone numbers: +30 213 137 4457 and +30 213 137 1102
They may also send emails at nmsw.support@hcg.gr
Users/declarants can also find attached herewith, documents regarding procedures for the submission of information to the NMSW, and the relevant obligations. It is noted that users should first register and then associate with ship(s), in order to be able to submit information to the Greek NMSW.